Vehicle Valuations : Terms & Conditions

  1. Automotive vehicle valuations are the considered opinion of the Assessor or Assessors issuing such valuations at the date of the assessment. Valuations may vary over time and are subject to the vagaries of many factors such as market sentiment, currency fluctuations, the price of fuel, and ultimately interaction of Supply and Demand. 
  2. Valuations do not constitute financial advice.
  3. Valuations will fluctuate over time and should be frequently updated.
  4. The Valuations issued by Auto Values are for Insurance purposes only and not an estimate of the vehicle's net realisable market value.
  5. Auto Values reserves the right to withdraw, amend or Cancel a valuation certificate in the event of dishonesty or inaccuracies uncovered in the Owners Declaration
  6. Valuations have a Validity Period and should be renewed  on payment of the prescribed fee, every 12 months at least
  7. Valuations are issued for the sole purpose of counteracting the industry trend to make use of a so-called Book Value and frequently undervalue vehicles for insurance purposes leading to a situation where the claimant can’t readily replace the vehicle with an equivalent in terms of type, model, and condition.
  8. Market Guide values are determined by a proprietary formula wherein the adjusted value of similar vehicles on sale in the current market, is a material aspect thereof. Market Guide estimates are based on an assumed mileage.
  9. The Owner's Declaration is a material part of the value assessment and any erroneous information therein can invalidate the valuation or constitute insurance fraud.
  10.  Valuations issued are not to be used for the settlement of disputes.
  11. Subscribers agree to release, indemnify, and hold harmless AutoValues, its officers, directors, employees, consultants, agents and assigns from and against any and all claims, demands, damages, liabilities or actions arising directly or indirectly out of information or valuations obtained from AutoValues.
  12. Valuation Certificates are issued only against Receipt of the Prescribed fee